24 years ago I was poisoned with chemicals where I worked that severely damaged my liver, destroyed the myelin sheath around my nerves, blocked blood flow to parts of my brain and paralyzed my immune system. I could not have one chemical in my house or clothing. I tried all the natural cleaners and every one had something in it that I reacted to.
So I prayed and asked God for a solution. He gave me a recipe for an Amazing Organic Cleaner that works better than all the products out there. It is the ONLY cleaner I have used in and outside my house since. IT WORKS! FOR EVERYTHING! Pepper Painting used it to powerwash my driveway, lanais, and sidewalks and he was so impressed he immediately switched from his chemicals to Jeani's Green Max Pro!
So I prayed and asked God for a solution. He gave me a recipe for an Amazing Organic Cleaner that works better than all the products out there. It is the ONLY cleaner I have used in and outside my house since. IT WORKS! FOR EVERYTHING! Pepper Painting used it to powerwash my driveway, lanais, and sidewalks and he was so impressed he immediately switched from his chemicals to Jeani's Green Max Pro!
Homes, Business, Carpets, Siding Vehicles, Equipment, Boats, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Snorkel Gear, Marker, Crayon, Paint, Superglue, Jewelry Windows, CD's, Granite, Leather, Laundry, Upholstery, Surfboards, Wood, Grease, Gum, Ink, Odors, Hand Lubricant, Jet Dry, Ovens, Dishwashers, Grills, Mattresses, Calcium Deposits, Hands, Dishes, Toothbrushes, Stains, Adhesives, Bikes, Floors, Driveways, Windshield Washer, Produce, Toys
Say goodby to Harsh Toxic Chemicals and go Green Max Pro.